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Happy New Year 2021 - What will you focus on this year? Love or Fear?

Xaman Monk

Updated: Jul 3, 2024

Dear Beloved Friends,

Happy New Year 2021 to all across the globe!

This year has been nothing short of extraordinary!

Reflecting on the past months, I feel blessed to have experienced profound growth and joy with my beloved. Yet, I cannot overlook the immense challenges many have faced.

This reflection prompts a deeper inquiry: why has this year been a struggle for some and a blessing for others?

As many of you know, what we focus on, we manifest. We've entered an era of instant manifestation – whether consciously or subconsciously.

Consider what fills your subconscious: Is it fear-driven news, negative media, or stress-inducing narratives? The collective unconsciousness absorbs these energies, shaping our shared reality.

Lockdowns, fear, uncertainty – these manifestations reflect our collective consciousness. However, amidst the turmoil, beautiful souls worldwide unite in meditation, spreading light and healing.

We stand at a crossroads, a cosmic battle between light and dark. Which world do you choose to embrace?

This year, let us make conscious choices that empower the light within us. Release the shadows that no longer serve – it’s time for renewal.

The universe compels us to introspect. Embrace this solitude as an opportunity to delve into your soul. Seek guidance if needed; politicians and external forces pale in comparison to the wisdom within.

Ancient prophecies and spiritual teachings have long foreseen these transformative times. The call to live from the heart resonates now more than ever.

Drunvalo Melchizedek and others have tirelessly imparted this wisdom: align with love and compassion to navigate these shifts with grace. This is directly linked to the famous Prophecy of December 21st 2012. (I will make another post about why this pandemic is linked to that prophecy).

Let us embrace the inevitable changes ahead as opportunities for collective growth. Together, we can turn challenges into triumphs, ushering in a new era of harmony and spiritual awakening.

May love, self-awareness, and compassion guide humanity’s consciousness in the days to come. This year marks a pivotal moment – a choice between paradise or suffering lies within our hands.

Let us embrace responsibility for our realities, leaving behind blame and victimhood. Together, we can create a world where love and peace prevail.

Blessings to each of you, dear ones.

We are capable of greatness – let’s embark on this journey together.

With love and light,

Xaman Monk

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